Tuesday, May 2, 2017

1-2. Prostate Orgasm Exercise → Dry Orgasm

I will introduce Prostate Orgasm Exercise which helps the prostate health.


The prostate is a walnut-sized secretory gland that surrounds the urethra just below the bladder.
Thus, when the prostate becomes enlarged, the urethra is pressed and voiding difficulties can occur.

In addition, the prostate secretes prostatic fluid, and the prostate ensure that semen is forcefully expelled outwards during ejaculation.

Classification of orgasms

Orgasms can be classified as ejaculatory orgasm, energy orgasm, and dry orgasm.
Ejaculatory orgasm is a common orgasm that you feel during ejaculation.
Energy orgasm is an orgasm that you feel by breathing without mechanical stimulation on the body.
And dry orgasm is an orgasm that does not accompany the ejaculation. 

Prostate Orgasm Exercise

Prostate orgasm is the orgasm that you feel in the prostate.
Prostate orgasm can be felt by directly stimulating the prostate using fingers or instruments such as Aneros.
You can also feel prostate orgasm just by breathing, and without direct stimulation of the prostate.

※ The way to feel prostate orgasm using fingers or devices such as Aneros may cause psychological discomfort, and it is not easy to feel prostate orgasm in this way.
On the other hand, the way to feel prostate orgasm by breathing can easily feel orgasm without psychological discomfort.

Prostate Orgasm Exercise is the exercise that feel prostate orgasm only by breathing, and without direct stimulation of the prostate.
And orgasm caused by prostate breathing is a multi-orgasm that repeats almost endlessly until you stop by your will because it is energy orgasm which is felt by breathing, and dry orgasm which does not accompany ejaculation.

The feeling of orgasm caused by prostate breathing is quite different from the feeling of ejaculatory orgasm and there may be individual differences.
At first, a burning sensation appears in the prostate area and this feeling gradually becomes stronger.
Then the prostate swells up until you feel the prostate sticking to the bladder, and this feeling gradually becomes stronger enough to feel pressure and spreads to the whole pelvic floor.
Thereafter, as the prostate repeats spontaneous contractions you'll feel intense orgasms.

Video introducing Prostate Orgasm Exercise

Let's see a video that introduces Prostate Orgasm Exercise.

Benefits of Prostate Orgasm Exercise

-Improve prostate health by increasing blood circulation to the prostate.
-Beneficial to prevent and treat benign prostatic hypertrophy.
-Beneficial to prevent prostate cancer.
-Beneficial to prevent and treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
-Erection of penis becomes harder and longer.

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